Insurance Software: 360 Customer
View Module

Our insurance software delivers all up-to-date client's information from different sources and allows for effective customer relationships management.
Unlock The Clients Potential

Key business

Real-time insurance data in one place
Holistic customer insight
Inteligent insurance cross- and up-selling
Identifications of insurance customer needs
Insurance Software: The 360-degree Customer View Module

Give your Insurance agent all the necessary information on clients

Manage customer data easily
Our insurance software synchronizes the insurance data from different systems online, aggregating it in real-time.
All the client's data is available in one place and your insurance agents has quick online access not only to personal information, purchased products, and policies but also to claims or payments.
Our insurance software suggests activities to be performed either by the clients or insurance professionals.
The insurance software enables to continuation of the insurance sales process started by the clients in a different channel, providing them with a seamless omnichannel purchasing experience.
Real-time access to clients' information makes customer service more efficient.
Support your Insurance agents in tailoring the offer to the customer’s needs
Our insurance software supports insurance cross-selling by suggesting other insurance products that clients may be interested in based on analysis of their data.
The insurance software generates insurance product and up-sell recommendations taking into account the client's preferences and demographic data.
Our software for insurers includes many functionalities that facilitate analysis of customer's needs such as interactive forms or questionnaires that can be easily configured and modified by business people.
Cross selling insurance policies

This is one of the many modules you can implement within our powerful Insurance Software Agent Portal


High level of security
Application running in the Amazon Web Service
Access from any device
Multilingual, customizable interface
Protection against intrusion
asked questions
What is 360 Customer View and what benefits does it provide?
360 Customer View Module is an advanced insurance software that enables a comprehensive view of the customer in one place. This insurance solution allows insurance agents to easily manage all customer data, improving work efficiency and enabling more personalized service. 360 Customer View provides quick access to information about policies, claims, and the history of interactions with the customer.
What are the main features of 360 Customer View?
Our insurance software offers many advanced features, including customer management, communication tracking history, accessing information about policies and claims, integrating with other insurance systems, and insurance data analysis tools. All these features help insurance agents effectively manage customer relationships.
Is 360 Customer View Module secure?
Yes, our insurance software uses the latest security technologies, including data encryption, secure login, and regular security audits. The insurance system complies with international data security standards, ensuring the protection of confidential customer information.
Can 360 Customer View be integrated with existing systems?
Yes, insurance software is designed to easily integrate with other insurance systems such as Policy Administration Systems (PAS), CRM systems, and other tools used by insurance organizations. Integration allows for seamless data flow and increases operational efficiency.
What is the process for implementing 360 Customer View?
The implementation process for insurance software involves several stages: needs analysis, preparing the technical infrastructure, configuring and customizing the system, insurance data migration, user training, system testing, and full deployment. Our team of experts supports clients at every stage to ensure a successful implementation.
Is 360 Customer View available on mobile devices?
Yes, 360 Customer View Module is available on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. The mobile app allows insurance agents to access all system functions anytime and anywhere, increasing their efficiency and work flexibility.
What are the costs associated with using insurance software?
The costs of using insurance software depend on several factors, such as the number of users, the range of functions, and specific integration requirements. Please contact our sales team to obtain a detailed quote and learn more about our pricing plans.
Do you offer technical support after implementing 360 Customer View?
Yes, we provide full technical support after the implementation of 360 Customer View Module. Our technical support team is available to help resolve issues, answer questions, and provide insurance system updates and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
How does 360 Customer View help in personalizing customer service?
Out insurance software enables insurance agents to access the complete history of interactions with the customer, data on policies and claims, and other relevant information. This allows agents to tailor their actions to the individual needs of customers, offering more personalized and effective service.
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