3 Main Technology Solutions for MGA

Piotr Biedacha
May 21, 2024

Many insurance professionals fall for the fallacy that the majority of insurance operational costs are due to factors such as size, sales channels, claims management, product mix, and geography.

This is not true.

As it turns out, McKinsey & Company with their Insurance 360 survey found out, that the top four cost drivers in the insurance industry are:

  • business complexity,
  • operating model,
  • IT systems and insurance software,
  • performance management.

Modern MGA needs modern solutions, comprehensive insurance solutions to drive the new business in.

This article explores three key technologies - Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and Holistic Insurance Software Solutions - that are poised to provide significant growth and transformation in the MGA sector. 

AI for Operational Efficiency, Risk Assessment, and Loss Reduction

McKinsey estimated, that the implementation of AI can drive $1,1 trillion potential annual value to insurance sector. Let's see, how.

Introduction to AI in Insurance Solutions

AI offers MGAs tools to streamline operations and achieve more accurate outcomes. Artificial Intelligence is enabling automated decision-making in routine approvals and fraud detection, freeing human adjusters to handle more complex cases​​. 

KPMG highlights that AI is also pivotal in enhancing productivity and performance, though it comes with challenges like ethical considerations and regulatory compliance​​.

AI's Impact on Risk Assessment and Underwriting

AI-driven predictive insurance models are transforming risk assessment and underwriting by analyzing extensive datasets to identify potential risks and trends with unprecedented accuracy. 

These models enable insurance organizations to categorize customers into specific pricing groups and adjust premiums accordingly, leading to a more nuanced and fair underwriting process. 

The EY 2024 Global Insurance Outlook Report emphasizes the importance of high-quality data for these AI systems to function effectively​​. 

AI-powered algorithms can streamline insurance claims processing by utilizing image recognition technologies to assess damages and machine learning algorithms to detect fraudulent claims​​.

Real-World Applications and Future Trends

The future of AI in insurance includes the integration of AI with telematics for Usage-Based Insurance, which personalizes coverage based on real-time driving data. 

This approach promotes safer driving behaviors and ensures more equitable insurance models. 

Furthermore, AI's ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately positions it as a critical tool for developing new insurance products and services tailored to specific customer segments. 

The rise of open-source AI platforms and data ecosystems is facilitating this innovation, allowing insurance company to develop custom solutions and leverage shared knowledge to drive progress​​.

Data Analytics In The Insurance Industry

Data analytics enables more informed decision-making and enhances insurance business processes. Here’s how data analytics is transforming MGAs. 

Enhanced Risk Assessment

Data analytics allows insurance business to utilize vast amounts of data from diverse sources (telematics, social media, and IoT devices) to improve risk evaluation.

For instance, predictive modeling on large datasets helps in granular segmentation of risk, such as categorizing drivers based on actual driving behaviors rather than traditional demographic factors​​.

Another example, is using drones to estimate the roof damage and cost of repair, without putting human employee in danger.

This cuts the underwriting process from days to minutes, providing instant policy issuance and enhancing the overall customer experience​.

Optimized Insurance Pricing Models

Advanced analytics facilitate the creation of dynamic pricing models that adjust in real-time based on risk assessment and market conditions, which enables insurers to offer competitive premiums while maintaining profitability. 

For example, AXA uses deep learning-powered platforms for automating data extraction from unstructured documents. This system auto-classifies documents, extracts relevant data, and submits it for further analysis. It enhances the accuracy and efficiency of underwriting and claims processing, significantly reducing the time required for these tasks.

Improved Customer Retention and Experience

Analytics provide insights into customer behavior, allowing insurers to identify at-risk policyholders and implement proactive retention strategies. Predictive models can pinpoint customers likely to churn, enabling targeted retention efforts. Decerto Policy Management System (insurance software) offers such capabilities, highlighting customers that are likely to accept cross-sell, up-sell. Also, having all the documents in place and at hand speeds up the service process.

Additionally, big data helps identify common service issues, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Insurers can also use analytics to offer personalized recommendations and cross-sell opportunities, further improving the customer experience​.

Streamlined Operations and Efficiency

By incorporating data analytics into their operations, insurers can significantly enhance efficiency. Automated underwriting processes driven by analytics reduce manual effort and decision times, allowing insurers to process applications faster and more accurately. This not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances the overall agent and customer experience​ (McKinsey & Company)​​.

Holistic Business Software Solutions for Insurance Industry

Insurance customers expect holistic approach, omnichannel communication, and tailored offers.

Thus, MGA needs a holistic insurance software solution.

Such solution is offering:

  • streamlined operations, 
  • enhanced customer experiences, 
  • data-driven decisions,
  • improved decision-making capabilities. 

These solutions integrate various functions into a unified, agile platform, addressing key challenges and optimizing performance across the organization.

Comprehensive Platforms and Their Impact

The benefits of a modern insurance software are many, but here are the most prevalent ones:

  • Unified Operations and Efficiency: Modern holistic insurance software platforms, such as Send Workbench Underwriting, consolidate multiple insurance operations into a single, cohesive system. This integration reduces operational silos, enhances communication, and streamlines workflows​​.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customer portals and mobile apps, provide users with easy access to their insurance policy information, insurance claims processing, and customer support. They also help MGA employees to serve their customers better with policy administration features and information at hand no matter the insurance channel.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Advanced insurance software solutions incorporate analytics and AI capabilities, enabling insurers to make informed decisions based on real-time data. It helps with optimizing pricing strategies, identifying risk patterns, and tailoring insurance products to meet specific customer needs more effectively.

Send Workbench Underwriting - Insurance Software for MGAs

Meanwhile, underwriters report that 40% of their work time is wasted on administrative tasks, that could be automated. This accounts for 160 billion in the next 5 years.

Send Workbench Underwriting answer these issues, as it:

  • Automates repetitive tasks, freeing underwriters to focus on strategic decision-making and client relationships.
  • Provides real-time data analytics for more accurate risk assessment and tailored pricing strategies.
  • Integrates numerous functions into one platform, simplifying workflows, ensuring compliance, and improving document management.
  • Offers better customer interactions through a unified, seamless experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Check out what we did together with Send for one of our customers.


The adoption of holistic insurance software is accelerating as insurers and MGAs recognize the need for digital transformation. Companies investing in these technologies are better positioned to respond to market demands, improve customer engagement, and achieve sustainable growth. 

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