Integrating Low-Code Solutions with Legacy Systems in Insurance: Strategies and Best Practices

September 18, 2024

In the rapidly evolving insurance industry, companies are increasingly seeking solutions to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and improve business agility. A significant challenge many insurers face is integrating new technologies with existing legacy systems. These outdated systems, often built decades ago, are critical to day-to-day operations, yet they lack the flexibility to adapt to modern business needs quickly.

One of the most promising solutions to bridge this gap is the use of low-code platforms. These platforms enable businesses to develop and deploy applications with minimal hand-coding, leveraging drag-and-drop interfaces and visual development tools. Integrating low-code development platforms with legacy systems offers insurance companies the agility needed to address new challenges without disrupting core operations.

This article outlines strategies, best practices, and the benefits of incorporating low-code platforms in the insurance industry.

What are Low-Code Development Platforms?

Low-code development platforms enable users, including non-technical users like business analysts and citizen developers, to create applications quickly using visual modeling tools and drag-and-drop features. These platforms reduce the reliance on professional developers and extensive coding, allowing for rapid application development and deployment of custom solutions. Low-code platforms are particularly well-suited for business process management, workflow automation, and enterprise applications, making them ideal for insurance companies looking to streamline complex processes.

By empowering business users to create enterprise-grade applications without needing deep coding skills, low-code platforms provide a robust solution for insurers facing the constraints of outdated legacy systems. They also enable insurance companies to rapidly develop custom applications that integrate seamlessly with existing platforms, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience.

Strategies for Integrating Low-Code Platforms with Legacy Systems

1. Evaluate the Right Low-Code Platform

The first step in integrating low-code platforms with legacy systems is choosing the right low-code platform for your insurance company. Not all low-code platforms are created equal, and some may be better suited for specific business processes or offer better integration with third-party systems, including legacy infrastructure.

When evaluating low-code platforms, insurance companies should consider:

  • Integration capabilities: Ensure the platform can integrate with third-party systems and legacy platforms through APIs or pre-built connectors.
  • Security and compliance: The platform should meet industry-specific security and compliance standards, especially regarding customer data and regulatory requirements.
  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can scale as the business grows and evolves.
  • Customization: Some low-code platforms allow for custom coding where necessary, providing flexibility for more complex applications.
  • Ease of use: Consider how easy it is for non-technical users to adopt and use the platform to develop solutions without writing extensive code.

2. Establish a Clear Integration Strategy

Integrating low-code platforms with legacy systems requires a well-thought-out strategy. Insurers must ensure that any new applications developed on low-code platforms do not disrupt the existing business processes managed by legacy systems. A phased integration approach is often best, beginning with less critical systems and gradually integrating more mission-critical functions.

Key steps in establishing an integration strategy include:

  • Assess the current architecture: Map out the existing legacy system architecture to identify potential integration points.
  • Leverage APIs: Use APIs to connect legacy systems with new low-code applications. APIs provide a standardized way to allow different systems to communicate with each other, reducing the need for custom coding.
  • Data synchronization: Ensure that data can flow seamlessly between legacy systems and new applications. This includes real-time data synchronization to prevent discrepancies.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: Use workflow automation capabilities of low-code platforms to automate manual processes currently managed by legacy systems, improving operational efficiency.

3. Engage Both Business and IT Teams

Successful integration of low-code platforms requires collaboration between business users, who understand the processes that need to be optimized, and IT teams, who manage the technical side of integration. Business analysts and citizen developers can take advantage of the low-code environment to build solutions that meet business needs, while IT teams ensure the integration with legacy systems is secure, scalable, and effective.

By fostering collaboration, insurance companies can ensure that both business processes and technical infrastructure are aligned, resulting in a smooth integration process.

4. Focus on Reusable Components and Modular Design

One of the key advantages of low-code platforms is the ability to create reusable components. By building modular components that can be reused across multiple applications, insurers can save time and resources while maintaining consistency across their systems. This modular approach is especially useful when integrating with legacy systems, as it allows for incremental development and testing of individual components before full-scale implementation.

5. Prioritize Security and Compliance

When integrating low-code solutions with legacy systems, insurers must prioritize security and compliance. Legacy systems often contain sensitive customer data and financial information, making them a prime target for cyberattacks. Ensure that any low-code applications adhere to the same security standards as your legacy systems, including encryption, role-based access control, and real-time monitoring.

Additionally, compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or specific insurance regulations must be maintained across both the legacy system and the newly developed applications.

Best Practices for Low-Code Integration

  • Use real-time collaboration tools: Leverage the collaborative features of low-code platforms, such as real-time collaboration tools, to keep teams in sync during the development process.
  • Focus on user-friendly interfaces: Ensure that the applications developed on low-code platforms provide a seamless user experience for both business users and customers.
  • Plan for long-term maintenance: Legacy systems require continuous maintenance, and so will the low-code applications. Set up a maintenance schedule and assign responsibilities to ensure the integration remains effective.
  • Test incrementally: Roll out new low-code applications in stages, testing them with a small user base before full deployment. This minimizes risk and ensures that the application functions as expected.

Benefits of Core Software in Low-Code Integrations

Integrating core software with low-code platforms offers several benefits for insurance companies:

  1. Increased Agility: Core software solutions provide the foundation for managing policy administration, claims, billing, and other key functions. Low-code platforms enhance this core by enabling rapid application development, helping insurers adapt to new demands and regulatory changes quickly.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Low-code platforms enable business users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline operations, which is particularly beneficial when integrated with core systems that handle complex applications.
  3. Scalability: Low-code solutions allow insurers to scale their core systems more easily, supporting growth without the need for extensive technical expertise.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: By integrating low-code platforms with core systems, insurers can develop custom solutions that improve customer experiences, such as faster claim processing and more personalized services.

Read more: The Benefits of Low-Code Platforms in Insurance Software Development

Real-World Data: The Power of Low-Code in Insurance

According to a Forrester report, the market for low-code development platforms is expected to grow to $21.2 billion by 2025 as businesses, including insurance companies, recognize the value of these platforms for digital transformation. Furthermore, Gartner projects that by 2024, 65% of all application development will occur on low-code platforms, highlighting their importance in modern software development.

Many insurance companies have already reported improved operational efficiency, with some reducing app development time by up to 50% by using low-code platforms. These time savings translate directly into faster product launches, more responsive customer service, and an overall competitive advantage in the market.


Integrating low-code platforms with legacy systems provides insurance companies with a powerful way to enhance agility, improve operational efficiency, and streamline the development of custom applications. By selecting the right platform, developing a clear integration strategy, and fostering collaboration between business and IT teams, insurers can successfully modernize their operations while maintaining the stability of their legacy systems.

As the demand for low-code development grows, insurance companies that embrace these platforms will be better positioned to meet the challenges of an increasingly digital marketplace and stay ahead of the competition.

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