Decerto Joins the InsTech London Community

March 21, 2024

As a provider of software and services for insurers, we are pleased to announce our membership in the global InsTech London community.  

Marcin Nowak, a member of the Decerto board, said:

“The insurance industry must quickly adapt to changing regulations and consumer needs. Additionally, new technologies are accelerating the digital transformation of insurance companies. In the face of these challenges, we are delighted to join the global InsTech London community because we are confident that Decerto is not only a provider of proven solutions for insurers but also an excellent technology partner. We hope to demonstrate our strength to all the members of the community.”

InsTech London identifies and promotes the use of the best technologies, data, and analytics in insurance and risk management worldwide. The organization brings together over 170 entities from the insurance, IT, and MGA sectors. Its activities are based on maintaining constant contact with over 30,000 industry representatives, creating a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and experiences.

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